It's time to demystify the tenure and promotion process

Professional support to take you from zero to tenure

Instead, you have to figure it out as you go.

I want to change that by sharing the lessons I've learned about succeeding in the academy—both before and after tenure.

Cut the guesswork out of your academic career so you can spend more time doing the work you really care about and less time stressing about whether you're doing it right.

The thing is, most of us are never taught how to be a professor

You landed a tenure-track job. The next part should be easy, right? Not so much.

Balance research, teaching, and service

Develop a pre-tenure strategic plan

Overcome procrastination

Establish a consistent writing practice

Cultivate work-life balance

On a mission to take the overwhelm
out of earning tenure

Feel like you've got no idea what you're doing?

Learn how to:

Like most things worth doing, earning tenure is hard. But it shouldn't be a miserable grind. I can help you find sustainable ways to rise to the challenge while maintaining your well being and avoiding the trap of constant busyness.

The assistant professor blog

Strategic planning

Faculty coaching

Stress less on the tenure track

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Pre-Tenure Strategic Plan

On Track for Tenure

Go from “I have no idea what I’m doing” to “I’ve got this!” by learning how to create an actionable pre-tenure roadmap that gives you the clarity and direction you need to feel confident in your ability to earn tenure and promotion.

Easy to implement strategies designed to take the overwhelm out of earning tenure.


online course

1:1 coaching starting at $398 USD per month

2 x 50 minute coaching calls per month (private and 100% confidential)

Whether you want to supercharge your research productivity, grow your confidence in the classroom, or learn how to navigate departmental politics,  1:1 coaching gives you the personalized support you need to overcome challenges and unlock your full potential

1:1 coaching for assistant professors


Email recaps after every call (so you don't forget your next steps)

Check ins via email between sessions (in case you have a question or need a morale boost!)

I'm here to take you from
 pre-tenure chaos to tenure triumph

In my first two years on the tenure track, I worked all of the time, but usually not on the right things.

I spent way too much time on teaching, and sacrificed my evenings and weekends (and sleep) to research. I didn’t exercise, or pursue hobbies, or make friends, or eat well. I was stressed, and exhausted, and lonely. Plus, I developed a back problem from too many hours hunched over my laptop! Ouch!

I know now that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can earn tenure without working yourself into the ground. Instead of repeating my mistakes, I want you to learn from them.

Hey, assistant professors. I've been there...

I'm Becca.